Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes?

As you start the weaning process, you will wonder what veggies and meals you can prepare for your baby. Potatoes are one of the most common vegetables, and you will inevitably wonder if or when you can feed them to your little one.

These veggies are easy to cook, cheap, and relatively accessible in all markets. So, if you know when and how to introduce them to your baby’s diet, you will have a healthy alternative or side dish for many meals.

Can babies have mashed potatoes?

Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes?

The good news is that you can introduce potatoes to your baby’s diet as soon as they start eating solid food. But, we will have to discuss important aspects to consider to make the best out of this veggie.

Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Can babies eat mashed potatoes with milk?

Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes With Milk?

The way you prepare the mashed potatoes for your baby is essential.

  • You would not prepare it the same way for the rest of your family, even if your baby started to eat solid food.
  • People add butter and cow milk to their mashed potatoes. But that would be too much fat for your little one in the first year of their life.
  • The cow milk is also a concern as you should wait until your baby is at least one year old to introduce that.
  • You can, however, add breast milk instead of cow milk, so your mashed potatoes will still be creamy.
  • The butter you add once your baby turns one year old should also be reduced to a minimum or skipped entirely.

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Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Can babies have instant mashed potatoes?

Can Babies Have Instant Mashed Potatoes?

You will be tempted to feed your baby instant mashed potatoes as they are more comfortable to prepare and very convenient as well as reasonably cheap.

  • There is no general answer to this question. It depends a lot on what type of instant mashed potatoes you want to feed your baby.
  • If you choose a brand that is made of organic ingredients and contains no additives, it could become an alternative to the fresh mashed potatoes dish.
  • However, you should stay away from products that contain chemicals and a lot of salt.
  • While instant mashed potatoes (the organic kind) could be a solution to a quick meal for your baby, keep in mind that the fresh mashed potatoes are always better than any instant version.
  • If you want to avoid feeding your baby instant mashed potatoes, you can always cook them in larger quantities and freeze them for future meals.

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Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Can babies eat mashed potatoes and gravy?

Can Babies Eat Mashed Potatoes And Gravy?

A typical dish in many families is mashed potatoes with gravy. But can you give that to your baby?

  • Mashed potatoes are safe for your little one but giving them gravy too early can be too much. The central aspect to consider about gravy is the way you cook it.
  • If you don’t add too much salt to it, they could try it every now and then.
  • Gravy is heavy food, and you should wait until your baby is at least one year old to introduce it to them.
  • Even after that age, it shouldn’t be a constant thing. But once a week or even rarer than that, mashed potatoes and gravy could be a meal choice for your little one.

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Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Mashed potatoes recipes for babies

Mashed Potatoes Recipes For Babies

If you decided to give your baby mashed potatoes, you would be glad to discover that they are straightforward to prepare. This is one of the quickest meals you can put together, and it is very filling as well. So, what to mix with potato puree for baby?

  • Plain mashed potatoes are the primary and most simple recipe you can prepare. All you need to do is boil the potatoes and blend them until they become creamy.
  • If your baby is younger than one year of age, you might want to add enough water to make the puree more runny.
  • However, for older babies, you can keep the mashed potatoes to a firmer consistency. Instead of water, you can also add breast milk until you reach the consistency you want.
  • If you want to add some diversity to your mashed potatoes recipe, you can add a boiled carrot to the mix and blend it along with the potatoes.
  • The cooking process stays the same, but your baby will benefit from two veggies instead of one at the end.
  • Regardless of how you cook your mashed potatoes, plain or with carrots, keep in mind that salt should be kept to a minimum.
  • You can add a pinch of salt, but it is not necessary at all. If you want to add the butter, this is an option once your baby is at least one year old.

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Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Health benefits of potato for babies

Health Benefits Of Mashed Potatoes For Babies

Mashed potatoes, in particular and potatoes in general, bring plenty of benefits to your baby’s diet.

  • Mashed potatoes contain healthy carbs and fats that will give your baby energy and help them develop harmoniously.
  • Potatoes are also rich in nutrients that support the development of healthy bacteria in their body. These veggies are also rich in alkaline sugars, which balance the level of acidity in your baby’s body as well.
  • Your baby will also have a healthier digestive system if you add potatoes to their diet. These veggies are high in fiber and potassium, both helpful for constipation issues or diarrhea.

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Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Mashed potatoes can be a healthy meal for your baby as long as you prepare them the right way. Always try to use organic potatoes and steam them or boil them enough to mash them into this delicious dish.

Remember to keep the salt to a minimum or not add any salt and don’t add cow milk or butter until your baby is at least one year old.

Can Babies Have Mashed Potatoes? 1

Key References

  • “Your baby’s first solid foods – NHS”. Accessed September 26, 2020. Link.


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