Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula?

Deciding if you are going to feed your baby breastmilk or formula is one of the significant decisions you will have to make as a parent. However, all doctors will recommend you to breastfeed your little one as much as you can. Breastmilk has many benefits that don’t come with formulas.

While formulas could still offer your baby the essential nutrients they need to develop harmoniously, breastmilk will always be a healthier and overall better alternative.

Why is breastmilk better than formula?

If you are wondering why breastmilk is better than formula, here are 15 reasons to consider!


Breastfeeding creates a stronger bond between the baby and the mother.

Mothers who choose to breastfeed their babies develop a stronger bond with them due to the so-called “skin-to-skin” contact.

  • The emotional connection between the mother and the baby is increased.
  • Therefore, both you and your baby will feel closer to each other.

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Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


If you nurse your baby, they will have a reduced risk of infection and chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases and several infections are of primary concern for babies in their first year of life.

  • Many of them are related to their diet, and if you nurse your little one, you will significantly reduce the risk of such health conditions.
  • Some of the common infections in infants are ear infection and respiratory infections.
  • Breastmilk contains antibodies that help your baby fight these infections or not even getting them in the first place.
  • A breastfed baby will also have a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as leukemia.

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Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 2Reference:

  • “Breastfeeding and Risk of Infections at 6 Years”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.
  • Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfeeding is reducing the risk of overweight.

    If you are concerned about your baby’s weight, first of all, you should know that most babies have their “chubby” phase as infants.

    • They usually grow out of that as they become toddlers, and there is no reason for concern.
    • However, breastfeeding your baby will reduce the chance of overweight, especially if you have people with this problem in your family.
    • Coming from a family with obesity cases increases the risk of inheriting it for the baby.
    • Breastfeeding becomes that much more critical in such a situation.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “The real link between breastfeeding and preventing obesity – Harvard Health Blog – Harvard Health Publishing”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Babies digest breastmilk easier than formula.

    A baby’s digestive system is in continuous development for the first year of their life.

    • They will need to adapt to different foods, also as the weaning transition starts.
    • Breastfeeding will help them build a healthier digestive system and not struggle with digestive problems as infants or later in their childhood.
    • Breastmilk is considered to be the “perfect food” for a human body in the first phase of their life.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Breast Is Best | University of Utah Health”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfeeding is free, so parenting costs are significantly reduced.

    We have to note the fact that breastfeeding is completely free.

    • You do not need to invest in formulas that can come at different prices.
    • It is easily accessible to nurse your baby, and you shouldn’t have to worry about extra costs.
    • If you don’t pump your milk in advance, you will not even need bottles or other accessories to store your breastmilk supply.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastmilk supports brain development.

    Brain development is essential for babies in general. Still, it becomes even more important if your little one was a premature baby.

    • To support the development of the brain, you should consider nursing your child for at least the first 12 months of their life.
    • Some studies suggest that breastfed babies have a higher IQ than babies who had formula as infants.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Breastfeeding Boosts the Brain Development of a Baby | Psychology Today Canada”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Mothers who breastfeed recover faster from giving birth.

    Giving birth is not easy, and recovery can be just as tricky.

    • Depending on the method you chose or had to choose to bring your baby into this world, you might struggle more or less during the recovery weeks.
    • Nursing, however, helps contract the uterus, and you will get back in shape faster and with less effort.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 2Reference:

  • “Breastfeeding Benefits Both Babies and Moms | URMC Newsroom”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.
  • Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    It is more convenient to breastfeed than to feed your baby formula.

    One of the advantages that breastmilk has on the formula is that you can nurse your baby every time they are hungry with no hassle. You will not have to go to the store and get formula if you happen to run out of it, and you don’t have to keep your baby waiting as you prepare them a bottle.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastmilk reduces the risk to develop allergies.

    Allergies come from a poor or undeveloped immune system, to begin with.

    • So, if you want to reduce the risk of allergies in your baby, developing their immune system is the way to go.
    • Breastmilk is known for developing a healthy immune system and strengthen your baby’s overall health.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Food Allergies and Breastfeeding | La Leche League International”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastmilk contains all types of vitamins and minerals your baby needs.

    Breastmilk is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and all kinds of nutrients.

    • This is why, for the first six months, your baby will not need any other type of food but your breastmilk.
    • However, you might want to consider giving them vitamin D supplements if they will be breastfed.
    • Breastmilk is not rich in vitamin D, and you should complete that with supplements for at least the first months of their life.
    • Once they start enjoying a wider variety of food as the weaning starts, you will not need to offer them supplements.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Overview of Nutrients in Human Milk”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfeeding brings more comfort to the baby.

    Comfort is essential for infants. They are continually adjusting to the world around them, a schedule, different nursing times, and sleep.

    • Breastmilk offers them this comfort as they feel closer to the mother, mostly if the nursing is made by direct contact and not by using a bottle.
    • They feel that stronger bonds and tend to fall asleep faster if they are breastfed rather than bottle or formula-fed.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Mothers who breastfeed reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

    One of the most common side effects of giving birth is depression.

    • Even if this is one of the most intense and happy times of your life, you will still battle a lot of hormonal unbalances.
    • These hormonal unbalances will give you all kinds of mood swings, and depression is one of the most significant risks.
    • Breastfeeding helps you deal with depression in case you have it, but it can also help prevent it altogether!

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Postpartum Depression | Breastfeeding | CDC”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer in mothers.

    Since you will breastfeed your baby for several months, you will reduce the risk of developing breast cancer significantly.

    • Your breasts will be stimulated continuously due to your nursing schedule, and that keeps a healthy hormonal balance and milk flow.
    • Thanks to these advantages, breast cancer will be lower risk, and you can avoid ovarian cancer as well.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Breast-feeding reduces breast cancer risk, says new report”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfed babies develop different tastes and adapt to solid food easier.

    Certain studies show that babies that are breastfed are easily to introduce to solid foods.

    • They will taste a little of everything you are eating as a mother in your breastmilk, and this will give them a wider range of tastes.
    • So, by the time you will introduce fruits and veggies to their diet, they will already be familiar with certain flavors, which will ease your job a lot.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 4 Reference: “Starting Solid Food – La Leche League GB”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


    Breastfed babies have a reduced risk of developing asthma.

    Asthma and other similar respiratory issues are common in infants and toddlers.

    • But you can avoid or reduce the risk of such health problems by nursing them from birth.
    • Breastmilk offers a wide range of nutrients that help the lungs develop healthily and strongly.
    • Breastmilk supports the immune system much better than formula, which is why the risk of asthma is significantly smaller.

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    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 2Reference:

  • “Benefits of breastfeeding: lowering the prevalence of asthma in children at high risk – BMC Series blog”. Accessed September 10, 2020. Link.
  • Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1

    As you can see, breastmilk is definitely preferable to the formula in more than one aspect. Nothing is better, more nutritious, and healthier for your baby than your breastmilk!

    But if you have any medical condition that prevents you from nursing your baby, you should talk to your doctor and find the best formula for their needs.

    Why Is Breastmilk Better Than Formula? 1


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